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compareAllPages(String, String, def) - Method in PDF
Compares all pages of two given PDF documents.
compareAllPages(boolean) - Method in PDFUtils
To compare all the pages of the PDF files.
compareAndHighlight(BufferedImage, BufferedImage, String, boolean, int) - Method in ImageUtils
This method compares and highlights the differences between two images
compareByPixel(String, String, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in PDF
Compare pages in range of 2 PDF documents pixel by pixel for the content and format.
compareFromPage(String, String, int, def) - Method in PDF
Compares two given pdf documents from a specified page.
compareInPageRange(String, String, int, int, def) - Method in PDF
Compares two given PDF documents in a specified page range.
CompareModes - Enum in com.kms.katalon.keyword.pdf
comparePdfByImage(String, String, int, int) - Method in ImageUtils
This method reads each page of a given doc, converts to image compare.
comparePdfFiles(String, String, int, int, def) - Method in PDFUtils
This method compare PDF files
comparepdfFilesWithTextMode(String, String, int, int, String) - Method in PDFUtils
This method compare PDF files with text mode
convertToImageAndCompare(String, String, int, int) - Method in ImageUtils
This method converts the PDF files to images then compares
createFolder(String) - Method in PDFUtils
To create folder
createImageDestinationDirectory(String) - Method in PDFUtils
To create image destination directory



extractAllImages(String) - Method in PDF
Extract all the embedded images from the pdf document
extractimages(String, int, int) - Method in ImageUtils
This method extracts all the embedded images of the pdf document
extractImagesFromPage(String, int) - Method in PDF
Extract all the embedded images from the specified PDF pages
extractImagesInPageRange(String, int, int) - Method in PDF
Extract all the embedded images from PDF pages in range



getAllText(String) - Method in PDF
Get all the content of the document as plain text.
getCompareMode() - Method in PDFUtils
This method is used to get the current comparison mode text/visual
getFileName(String) - Method in PDFUtils
This method gets the file name
getImageDestinationPath() - Method in PDFUtils
Path where images are stored when the savePdfAsImage or extractPdfImages methods are invoked.
getPageNumber(String) - Method in PDF
Get the page count of the document.
getPDFText(String, int, int) - Method in PDFUtils
This method returns the content of the document
getTextFromPage(String, int) - Method in PDF
Get the content of a specified PDF page as plain text.
getTextInPageRange(String, int, int) - Method in PDF
Get the content of PDF pages in rage as plain text.


highlightPdfDifference(Color) - Method in PDFUtils
Color in which pdf difference can be highlighted.


ImageUtils - Class in com.kms.katalon.keyword.pdf








PDF - Class in com.kms.katalon.keyword.pdf
PDFUtils - Class in com.kms.katalon.keyword.pdf




saveAllPagesAsImages(String) - Method in PDF
Save each page of the PDF as image
saveAsImage(String, int, int) - Method in ImageUtils
This method saves the each page of the pdf as image
saveImage(BufferedImage, String) - Method in ImageUtils
This method saves the image
savePageAsImage(String, int) - Method in PDF
Save PDF pages from a specified page as images
savePageRangeAsImages(String, int, int) - Method in PDF
Save PDF pages in range as images
setCompareMode(CompareModes) - Method in PDFUtils
This method is used to change the file comparison mode text/visual
setImageDestinationPath(String) - Method in PDFUtils
Set the path where images to be stored when the savePdfAsImage or extractPdfImages methods are invoked.


trimWhiteSpace(boolean) - Method in PDFUtils
getText method by default replaces all the white spaces and compares.


updateStartAndEndPages(String, int, int) - Method in PDFUtils
To update the start and end page
useStripper(PDFTextStripper) - Method in PDFUtils
To modify the text extracting strategy using PDFTextStripper







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